Notice on the adjustments of testing requirements for all China-bound Passengers

In order to reduce cross-border transmission of COVID-19 and protect the health and safety of passengers, the Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the U.S. have jointly issued a notice on the adjustments of testing requirements for all China-bound Passengers.

Starting from December 23, 2020, all Chinese and foreign passengers (excluding children under 3 years old) who take flights from Los Angeles to China, are required to take nucleic acid and IgM antibody tests at following designated facilities in Los Angeles 2 days prior to the departure date, and apply for a green health QR code. Passengers who obtain the "HS"(for Chinese nationals) code or "HDC"(for Non-Chinese nationals) code from the Chinese Embassy or Consulates in the U.S. are allowed to board the flight.

Here are the key points of the notice for your reference:

1. To take nucleic acid and IgM antibody tests at designated facilities means that the sample must be collected at the designated clinics or sites and tested at the designated labs.
Please note the list of designated facilities may be adjusted depending on the testing quality.

2. The designated facilities are operating in accordance with local laws and regulations and do not have any business relations with the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles. Please choose from the list any one of the designated facilities for sample collecting and testing which can accommodate your need for timing, expense and insurance coverage, etc.

3. The methodology for sample collection should be Pharyngeal Swab or Nasopharyngeal Swab for nucleic acid test, and Intravenous Puncture for IgM antibody test.
Any other collection methodologies, such as fingertip blood sampling or self-taking sampling, will not be accepted.
4. The nucleic acid test should be conducted using the "Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR)" methodology, and IgM antibody test should be conducted using the "Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay" or "Chemical Luminescence" methodology.
Please note that antigen test or any "rapid test" will not be accepted.

5. Passengers receiving tests should personally appear at the designated sample collecting clinics or sites, carry and present valid passports or other travel documents for identity verification, truthfully declare personal health status, including but not limited to fever symptoms, contact and travel history, etc., and sign a Consent Form at the request of the facilities, agreeing to release personal information and test results to the Chinese Consulate.

6. The Consulate has officially notified the designated facilities of new requirements for sample collecting, testing and test result reporting. Please make the facilities know the purpose of doing the tests is to travel to China.

7. To apply for a green health QR code from the Chinese Embassy or Consulates, please send the original test reports and all other documents required through WeChat Mini Program (for Chinese nationals) or the website (for Non-Chinese nationals). The Chinese Embassy and Consulates, after verifying the test results, will issue a "HS"(for Chinese nationals) or "HDC"(for Non-Chinese nationals) code for those who meet with the required health conditions and proper procedure requirements for sample collection and testing. When applying for green health QR, please truthfully and accurately answer the questions of your personal information and health status, including but not limited to fever symptoms, contact and travel history.
The Consulate will verify all the test results with the designated institutions, and if necessary, require the relevant passengers to take another test at a different designated facility.
Any false declaration, falsification of test results or alteration of test reports will result in rejection of health code application and being declined of boarding or be held liable for the offense.

8. If tested positive for nucleic acid or IgM antibody, you may double check with the clinic or site of sample collection to confirm the test results and seek medical advice. Please stay calm and inform family and friends if possible, cancel the flight booking and inform the Consulate of the test result.

9. Under normal circumstances, the Consulate will complete the procedure of test report verification and issue health code within 12 hours. Please refrain from calling the Consulate for non-emergencies.

10. The validity period of the Health code will be two days after the sample collection date, which means sample collection should be done two days before the departure date of the flight.
Please note that health codes obtained after taking the tests at the designated facilities in Los Angeles are valid only for passengers departing from Los Angeles to China.

11. All passengers departing from Los Angeles to China are required to carry a print out copy of the test reports and present them at the airlines check-in counter along with the valid health code. The airlines may take other measures for pandemic prevention and control purpose, including but not limited to taking body temperature. In case of being declined of boarding, please cooperate and reschedule travel plan.

12. Passengers after taking the tests are advised to minimize unnecessary movements and avoid crowded areas and take effective measures of personal protection especially at airports and other areas where there is a high risk of infection.In case of any emergency, please call +1(213)807-8052 or write to

  The Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, January 06, 2021

* Briefs of notices from The Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles. Reference only. Please check the website of The Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles for official notices.

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