Out in the wide sky wheat plains, Wave Rock stands as a perfect surfers wave yet frozen in solid rock. The colonial town of York, set in the lush Avon Valley, tiny wheatlands townships and other strange rocks protruding from arid soil show the real Australia, ever waiting for life giving rains.
Cross the Swan River Causeway and pass Burswood Casino and Resort
Head east and follow the sun on to the Great Eastern Highway
Climb the Darling Ranges and cross vast dry farming plains
Visit historic York - original and untouched centre of the Avon Valley
Look for crows, cockatoos and galahs
Wheatbelt town of Corrigin - noted for the "dog in the ute" national record
Hyden - town centre for Wave Rock
Striking rock formations of Hippo's Yawn
Wave Rock - one of nature's most remarkable creations
Enjoy a picnic lunch at Wave Rock Wildflower shop
Take a guided tour along the base and over the top of Wave Rock
Time to visit the native Wildlife Park or browse in the Antique Lace Collection
Explore the Humps and Mulka's Cave
Learn the story of Mulka and ancient Aboriginal cave paintings
Stop at "bustling" Babakin, population approximately 25, for a delicious country style afternoon tea (own expense)
During wildflower season (September - November) roadside stops will be made to view native wildflowers
Journey back to Perth passing endless farms and big horizons
Superb views of Perth's evening lights from the majestic Darling Ranges.